WWIn: Secret

I’m slightly sleepless so thought I’d do a strange short prose piece inspired by Wednesday Write-in #61 Prompts menthol  ::  blind date  ::  fried  ::  secret  ::  chit-chat When the chattering bus slows to a halt and I get on I get on with my secrets. They crowd me jostling elbows, knees knock, hands brush…

CAKE: Dance story

So I haven’t written anything made of prose for a while. Here’s a short piece partly based on a ballet show I recently saw… for Wednesday Write-in #48 Prompts toxic  ::  imprint  ::  fluorescent  ::  cream  ::  water pressure The voices crawl from the darkness as if made of it. A woman sings Britney Spears…

WWIn: Gold

What would you do with 2,695 gold coins that were your random inheritance? Thought I’d try some prose out… Wednesday Write-in #34 sinister : gold He put his lips to mine and hissed, gold, into my open mouth. As he spoke the word turned to coin, I swear I swallowed it. Midas’ bride, hopeless. He…

WWIn #28: Memory

Wednesday Write-in #28 This piece is inspired partly by the weirdness of Black Mirror, also recently watched Rebecca so that is in there also. Prompts: farewell  ::  pocketful  ::  feeding  ::  thief  ::  maroon I’ve been feeding myself hope over the years; they trickle by like fast food joints flashing in and out of existence.…

WWIn 24: Greeting

Wednesday Write-in #24 Prompts: cookie dough  ::  greeting  ::  slippery slope  ::  tin can  ::  bloom I’m thinking more about the relationship from last week’s write-in, mother-daughter tension. Sea Dress She raises her hand in greeting and the years slip from me like an evening dress, the one I wore to prom. Blue, sixty pounds,…

WWIn: Leaver

Wednesday Write-in 23 Prompts I used: reminder  ::  caught cheating I also admit to free writing off a conversation last night with Odette Toilette who enlightened me about the philosophy behind leavers and putters. Leaver  She was a leaver; she dropped her keys into the bottomless realms of her bag and spent ten minutes hyperventilating searching…

WWin#21: The Mary Rose

Wednesday Write-in #21.  The Mary Rose Deep within the ship’s hull the meat marinates. Salted fish and beef soak in briny waters as the waves lap at the wood barrier. Men eat off wooden plates with wooden knives and drink beer from wooden mugs. Everything is tree and sea and cattle, pig bones scattered around…

WWin#20: Scribble

Wednesday Write In #20 Hello! Have missed the last two write ins, the pen refused to move. So am happy to be back. This is a response to the prompt word: scribble. For the record, I am a nice older sister. Honestly. Tantrum The words flew from her, screaming and stamping, a proper full on…


Wednesday Write-in #14 Prompts: dizzy  ::  spit  ::  replacement  ::  grey  ::  campfire I’m needing to write more of NANO, so I’ve made the prompts this week part of my NANO writing. If you wanted to read my novel synposis and an extract you could click on the NANO symbol, which will take you to my NANO…

WWIn: Wasps and Jam

#Wednesday Write-in 13 Prompts: shatter  ::  wasp  ::  fresh bread  ::  sorry  ::  singed This is possibly Brian beginning the facebook clan. Visit Brian’s Page, part I to see the prologue. Wasps and Jam Brian had been scratching himself during the night again, he could feel the marks running across his lower body, crossing the spine and…