Sep 1st: Deadline and flowers

Deadline: Tuesday 24th September 2013 I have 24 days to finish up the masters in creative writing that has formed my personality for the last two years. My head feels like it is full of spinning plates. Went to CAKE short and sweet at Forming Words exhibition. You can find the prompts and full workshop…

WWIn #28: Memory

Wednesday Write-in #28 This piece is inspired partly by the weirdness of Black Mirror, also recently watched Rebecca so that is in there also. Prompts: farewell  ::  pocketful  ::  feeding  ::  thief  ::  maroon I’ve been feeding myself hope over the years; they trickle by like fast food joints flashing in and out of existence.…

WWIn: Leaver

Wednesday Write-in 23 Prompts I used: reminder  ::  caught cheating I also admit to free writing off a conversation last night with Odette Toilette who enlightened me about the philosophy behind leavers and putters. Leaver  She was a leaver; she dropped her keys into the bottomless realms of her bag and spent ten minutes hyperventilating searching…

WWin#20: Scribble

Wednesday Write In #20 Hello! Have missed the last two write ins, the pen refused to move. So am happy to be back. This is a response to the prompt word: scribble. For the record, I am a nice older sister. Honestly. Tantrum The words flew from her, screaming and stamping, a proper full on…

CAKE: Story

Written using prompts from a CAKE workshop with Sarah last Sunday. We pulled the prompts from a bag full of newspaper cuttings. The only one I can remember clearly is Batman. There are thousands of them in the evening air, brushing wings and trembling on a breeze. The moths bash heads as we hold hands,…