WWIn: Leaver

Wednesday Write-in 23

Prompts I used:

reminder  ::  caught cheating

I also admit to free writing off a conversation last night with Odette Toilette who enlightened me about the philosophy behind leavers and putters.


She was a leaver; she dropped her keys into the bottomless realms of her bag and spent ten minutes hyperventilating searching for them. Her fingers slipping past them and finding the rectangle of her purse and the loose change that fled her grasp when she wanted it. There are leavers in this world, and there are putters. Where’s my phone? Where’s my phone? The high pitched panic as she appeals to the living room walls, it’s next to the toilet so they don’t answer. To be a leaver means you misplace memory inside your mind, pick up old notes at the oddest moments and re-read them.

On her way to work the smell of the bus brought back a one night stand, the shuffle home the next day in high heels and the unfamiliar bus stops. These reminders placed so that she stumbled on them and was gripped by the past, staring sightless at the bus’s jolting view. She’d been waiting up for her, her mother, her face gripped by betrayal, as if she’d been cheating on her life, stepping outside the way living was prescribed, the way she took it, like medicine, gulping at the days. The bus shuddered and she got off, shrugging off the memories and leaving them in the eddying sway of her mind.



6 thoughts on “WWIn: Leaver

  1. I like the descriptions of coins eluding her and the panic of not finding things in the bags etc. I also like how she,then, stumbles upon memories spontaneously. The mother/daughter relationship is great. A lot going on.

  2. Wonderfully poetic. I think I’d like to know more about ‘leavers and putters’; terms I’m not really heard before. (Although I get the feeling I may be a Leaver!) Love the ‘eddying sway of her mind’.

  3. I like the second paragraph a lot and I think it works beautifully on its own. The way you twist expectations by settling on a mother/daughter relationship is really interesting, it gives my brain a lot to pick over and makes me want to find out more about them. Maybe this Wednesday? 😀

  4. Pingback: WWIn 24: Greeting | beccaaudra

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